Ah great!!!
I just examined my other MySQL database which just stored webpages and
their corresponding visits and voila.
Someone was able to pass values into my counters table:
thats why it didn't had 1 or 2 or 3 as 'counterID' but more values were
Someone successfully manipulated this part of my code:
if cookieID != 'nikos' and ( os.path.exists( path + page ) or
os.path.exists( cgi_path + page ) ) and re.search(
host ) is None:
# if first time for webpage; create new record( primary key is
automatic, hit is defaulted ), if page exists then update record
cur.execute('''INSERT INTO counters (url) VALUES (%s) ON DUPLICATE KEY
UPDATE hits = hits + 1''', page )
I see no way of messing with the above statement other that tweak with
the 'page' variable but its not clear to me how.
You as more experience can you tell how the aboev code of database insertio