On 28/10/2013 7:50 PM, Wolfgang Maier wrote:
imagine you have a flag set somewhere earlier in your code, e.g.,

needs_processing = True

then in a for loop you're processing the elements of an iterable, but the
kind of processing depends on the flag, e.g.,:

for elem in iterable:
     if needs_processing:
         pre_process(elem)  # reformat elem in place

this checks the condition every time through the for loop, even though there
is no chance for needs_processing to change inside the loop, which does not
look very efficient.

There are two approaches I would consider using here:

1. Make pre_process a decorator, and outside of the loop do:

    def pre_process_decorator(fn):
        def pre_process(x):
            # functionality goes here
            return fn(x)
        return pre_process

    if needs_processing:
        print = pre_process_decorator(print)

    for elem in iterable:

2. Replace the iterable with a generator if the condition is met:

    if needs_processing:
        iterable = (pre_process(x) for x in iterable)

    for elem in iterable:

Personally, I find the 2nd approach clearer.

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