The mail message is encoded. You will have a header like this:

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

If you are processing email messages you should investigate Python's
email module.


On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Jason Friedman <> wrote:
> I am receiving lines like this:
> Accordingly, this element has largely given way in modern cases to a less =
> rigid formulation: that the evidence eliminates, to a sufficient degree,  =
> other responsible causes (including the conduct of the plaintiff and third=
> parties). For example, in New York State, the defendant's exclusivity of  =
> control must be such that the likelihood of injury was, more likely than  =
> not, the result of the defendant's negligence.
> I want the original:
> Accordingly, this element has largely given way in modern cases to a less
> rigid formulation: that the evidence eliminates, to a sufficient degree,
> other responsible causes (including the conduct of the plaintiff and third
> parties). For example, in New York State, the defendant's exclusivity of
> control must be such that the likelihood of injury was, more likely than
> not, the result of the defendant's negligence.
> I know I can create a new list and iterate over the input lines, but was
> wondering if there is a one-liner lurking in here?
> --

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