I have a 25 row javascript that i try to convert to python to get into the language but i run into problem i do not understand howto reach outer loop after finnish inner loop, in fact i do not understand when finished. The javascript i try to conver is below.
#!/usr/bin/python import math # Function definition is here def sq(number): square=1; factor=2; exponent=2; print(x,"= "); while (number>3): while (square<=number): factor+=1; square=math.pow(factor,exponent); ----now i want to add conter when loop finished, no end like basic???? ??? factor--; ??? print(factor," "); ??? square=math.pow(factor,exponent); ??? number=number-(factor*factor); ??? square=1; ??? factor=1; ---here does second loop finish return print("Exp=x^2"); for x in range (22,23): sq(x); Here is the javascript with loop i try to convert. <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>TEST</TITLE></HEAD> <SCRIPT language=Javascript> function sq(number){ square=1; factor=2; exponent=2; document.write(x,"= "); while (number>3){ while (square<=number) { factor++; square=Math.pow(factor,exponent); } factor--; document.write(factor," "); square=Math.pow(factor,exponent); number=number-(factor*factor); square=1; factor=1; } document.write("+",number,"<BR>"); } document.write("Exp=x^2<BR>"); for (x=1;x<100;x++){ sq(x); } </script> <BODY> </BODY> </HTML> -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list