On 10/28/13 7:04 PM, Skip Montanaro wrote:
I have a virtualenv I'm using for some Django development. Today I
switched from MacPorts to HomeBrew on my Mac. I'm thus getting a
different version of gcc and its libs. How do I reinstall the
virtualenv? I've looked around and found a few descriptions of what to
do, but as I am little more than a monkey-see-monkey-do user of
virtualenv, I don't understand what appears to be a fairly complex set
of steps. Does virtualenv not have some sort of "upgrade" command that
just does what's necessary?
Virtualenvs aren't built to be moved from one Python installation to
another. If you used pip to install your packages (you should), then
you can activate the virtualenv, and run: $ pip freeze > requirements.txt
Then you can create a new virtualenv using the new Python executable,
activate it, and: $ pip install -r requirements.txt
This will reinstall all the packages you had installed previously. Even
better is to maintain your own requirements.txt that has just the
packages you need. The "pip freeze" technique will also list packages
installed as dependencies.