Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> writes:

> I don't see why Python files should be treated any differently than
> other non-binary executables, e.g. shell scripts.

It is an unfortunate artefact of Unix history that “binary” has an
established connotation of “executable”, encompassing even executable
text files.

So the separation I'm drawing attention to in the FHS has nothing to do
with whether the files are text files, and everything to do with whether
they're executable programs and code libraries.

According to the FHS (with which, of course, not every operating system
is bound to conform), executable program libraries belong in an entirely
separate location from non-executable data files.

This thread is about how to best use Python's standard tools to support
that separation on systems following the FHS.

 \           “If [a technology company] has confidence in their future |
  `\      ability to innovate, the importance they place on protecting |
_o__)     their past innovations really should decline.” —Gary Barnett |
Ben Finney


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