On Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:29:52 +0300, Nick the Gr33k wrote:

> Hello i having the following code to try and retrieve the visitor's
> saved cookie form the browser.
> [CODE]
> # initialize cookie and retrieve cookie from clients browser try:
>      cookie = cookies.SimpleCookie( os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] )
>      cookieID = cookie['name'].value
> except:
>      cookieID = 'visitor'
> [/CODE]
> It works as expected except form the fact from when the visitor enters
> my webpage(superhost.gr) by clicking a backlink of another webpage.
> Then even if the cookie exists in his browser for some reason the try
> fails and except take actions.
> Can somebody explain why this is happening?
> You can see this action yourself by hitting:
> 1. superhost.gr as a direct hit 2. by clicking superhost.gr's backlink
> from ypsilandio.gr/mythosweb.gr
> You will see than in 2nd occasion another ebtry will appear in the
> database here:
> http://superhost.gr/?show=log&page=index.html


I tried it. The counter in the database is incrementing (I think it's the 
counter). There's only one entry in the table for my system.

I used the backlinks on each of the two pages above - the backlink on 
mythosweb.gr I used twice.

So, whatever behaviour you're seeing is not what I'm seeing.

Denis McMahon, denismfmcma...@gmail.com

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