On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 2:05 AM, <ru...@yahoo.com> wrote: > The large number of posts here from GG would suggest > that the readership there is substantial, and the decline in > "web-1.0" tools (usenet, mailing lists, etc) is additional > evidence that the number of GG users (who are used to and > prefer flashier web-based interfaces) may be much greater > than you would like to think.
That's not a problem. The people who think that Web 2.0 has to completely supplant everything else are most welcome to spend all day on Facebook, and try to get their homework help from there. I don't mind. Meanwhile, the rest of us will continue to use - and to understand - the lower-level internet protocols that actually work. We will then go on to develop communication protocols that don't involve JavaScript in web browsers, that don't have ten-round-trip latency, and that actually work. SMTP-like or MUD-like protocols seem to be quite effective, in my experience. ChrisA -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list