[QUOTE=turvey]Say your data is like the following:
data = [('alice', 1), ('alice', 2), ('bob', 5), ('bob', 10), ('carrie', 3)]

Where the first entry is your user and the second entry is a timestamp. Your data is structured basically like this, except I stripped the irrelevant details.

user_to_timestamps = {}

# Gather all your users together.
for user,timestamp in data:
    if user not in user_to_timestamp:
        user_to_timestamp[user] = []

# You now have a data structure like this
# {'alice': [1, 2], 'bob': [5, 10], 'carrie': [3]}

for user, timestamps in user_to_timestamps.iteritems():
    print user
    for timestamp in timestamps:
        print "<select>%s</select>" % timestamp

There. That's how you would do it. It shouldn't be much work to get your code into that form.[/QUOTE]

I'am sorry but i still cannot transform my code:

cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit FROM visitors WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE url = %s) ORDER BY lastvisit DESC''', page )
                data = cur.fetchall()
                for row in data:
                        (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit) = 
                        lastvisit = lastvisit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
                        print( "<tr>" )
                        for item in (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, 
                                print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s 
</td>" % item )
        except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
                print( repr(e) )

to the solution you presented :(
I just dont know how to write it.

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