Hi people, I wrote this decorator: https://gist.github.com/yasar11732/7163528
When this code executes: @debugging def myfunc(a, b, c, d = 48): a = 129 return a + b print myfunc(12,15,17) This is printed: function myfunc called a 12 c 17 b 15 d 48 assigned new value to a: 129 returning 144 144 I think I can be used instead of inserting and deleting print statements when trying to see what is passed to a function and what is assingned to what etc. I think it can be helpful during debugging. It works by rewriting ast of the function and inserting print nodes in it. What do you think? -- http://ysar.net/ -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list