On 2013-10-25, Mark Janssen <dreamingforw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> OTOH why in particular would you want to initialise them with zeros? I
>>>>> often initialise arrays to nan which is useful for debugging.
>>> Is this some kind of joke?  What has this list become?
>> It's a useful debugging technique to initialize memory to distinctive
>> values that should never occur in real data.
> If you're doing this, you're doing something wrong.

Pardon me if I don't take your word for it.

> Please give me the hex value for NaN so I can initialize with my
> array.

Seriously?  You haven't discovered google and wikepedia yet?


Assuming you're using IEEE-754, all 1's is a quiet NaN:


If you want a signaling NaN you've got to change one of the bits (see
the above links).

IIRC, the Pascal language required that using unintialized variables
caused an error. intializing FP values to a signalling NaN is a very
convenient way to do that.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I'm also against
                                  at               BODY-SURFING!!

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