On 10/24/2013 01:14 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 24/10/2013 04:53, Ben Finney wrote:
Tim Daneliuk <tun...@tundraware.com> writes:

'Easy there Rainman

I'll thank you not to use mental deficiency as some kind of insult.
Calling someone “Rainman” is to use autistic people as the punchline of
a joke. We're a community that doesn't welcome such ableist slurs.

I saw no such insult.

I don't know how wide-spread the movie is, but in the US "Rainman" is well-known. Short synopsis: younger brother finds out about older brother; older brother has mental challenges (I don't recall which one); they spend about a week together while younger brother tries to straighten out his life. So unless you're talking about Native American dances it's an inappropriate moniker to apply to someone, particularly when you're being insulting.

And having said all that, we can have disagreements without name calling.


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