On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 11:28 PM, Metallicow <metaliobovi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is links to the apng/gif on ImageShack uploaded with the "Do Not Resize" 
> option.
> Checked/Views fine with default Firefox/Opera browsers.
> Animated 3D Python Powered Logo
> apng - 120frames 1/60 sec
> http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/4717/f4l4.png
> gif - 120frames about 1/10sec or as fast as it can go...
> http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/4231/j29.gif

This is not entirely true.  The minimum specifiable delay for a frame
in an animated gif (other than 0, which just means "as fast as
possible") is 0.01 second, which is the setting in the gif linked
above.  However, most browsers that encounter this will automatically
increase the delay to 0.1 second.  This is done for compatibility with
old versions of Netscape.  According to [1], Firefox, Opera and Chrome
will accurately display delays as small as 0.02 seconds.  Safari and
IE will accurately display delays as small as 0.06 seconds.

Here is an alternate version of the above gif that displays the
animation at 50 fps in the first three browsers listed above:

And here it is at 17 fps with 2/3 of the frames removed, for the
benefit of IE and Safari:


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