Op 17-10-13 16:38, Danyelle Davis schreef:
I am a woman and all I can say to these things is.. Bringing light to these things do nothing but give attention to the attention seeking.. yea the names are dumb. But does it ever stop me. No. Mainly because ignore the college/boyish mentality that is associated with names like that.
If that is correct than that speaks volumes for the sorry state the python community would be in. Just imagine there were modules with names that had racist or homofobic overtones. Would you suggest bringing light to these things would do nothing but give attention to the attention seeking? If bringing such things to light only gives attention to the attention seeking, that means the community is still soaked in bigotry and I hope the community is better than that. -- Antoon Pardon -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list