Andreas Ecaz <> writes:

> This might seem like a stupid question, but, how do people run the
> application? I get that I have to compile it and make it an
> executable. But how do I make it an executable? For Windows and Linux?

This isn't a question about GUIs, but about making a program executable.
You'll probably get better search results if you omit GUI-specific terms
entirely, and search for “making python executable” or similar.



> And do the people who use the software need to have Python installed
> on their local machine?

The short answer is: Yes, to run a Python program requires a Python
interpreter installed.

The longer answer is: Yes, but that Python interpreter can be bundled
with the program so the user is unaware they have Python installed.


 \       “They can not take away our self respect if we do not give it |
  `\                                        to them.” —Mohandas Gandhi |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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