Excuse me for asking again today, but i see no error in the following
code, yes no isertion or update happens into the database:
# locate the ID of the page's URL
cur.execute('''SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE url = %s''', page )
data = cur.fetchone() #URL is unique, so should only be one
if not data:
#first time for page; primary key is automatic, hit is defaulted
cur.execute('''INSERT INTO counters (url) VALUES (%s)''', page )
cID = cur.lastrowid #get the primary key
value of the new added record
#found the page, save primary key and use it to issue hit UPDATE
cID = data[0]
cur.execute('''UPDATE counters SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE ID = %s''',
cID )
When this code runs i check instantly my database via PHPMyAdmin and i
see that it was left intact.