On 10/04/2013 09:41 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 10:17 AM, Rouslan Korneychuk <rousl...@msn.com> wrote:
The point of this was to explore the concept of hyperspace, which is a
mathematical curiosity and also has relevance in theoretical physics.

I don't have any actual use-case for what you've done, but it sure
sounds cool! Having worked with 3D ray-tracing (with POV-Ray), I'm
slightly in awe of the possibility of going to ten dimensions... yup,

Thanks. For a while, I was worried nobody else thought it was interesting.

It's funny that you say that about ten dimensions, considering I was thinking I should add scroll bars to the example script so the controls don't get cut off when going to 100 dimensions.

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