On 2 October 2013 09:28, Νίκος <nikos.gr...@gmail.com> wrote: > > con = pymysql.connect( db = 'mypass', user = 'myuser', passwd = > 'mysqlpass', charset = 'utf8', host = 'localhost' ) > > That was viewable by the link Mark have posted. > > But this wasnt my personal's account's login password, that was just the > mysql password. > > Mysql pass != account's password
Because there's no chance with the brilliance you display that there could be any possibility of login details being kept in plaintext in your database. And of course your database is so well locked down that no attacker with a login to it could then execute arbitrary code on your system. And there's also zero chance that your personal account login details are also available in plaintext somewhere that you're unaware of. Tim Delaney
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