Στις 2/10/2013 2:25 πμ, ο/η alex23 έγραψε:
On 1/10/2013 9:06 PM, Νίκος wrote:
Στις 1/10/2013 1:58 μμ, ο/η Chris Angelico έγραψε:
On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Νίκος <nikos.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
I you want to congratulate Mark Lawrence do it in private.

You know it was Mark, then? Okay. In that case, ask him directly. If
not, I advise you to refrain from making bald statements that you
can't back.

He started the thread didn't he?

He also posted couple days agon if i have fixes a link form a domain i
host which provided my source code in plain text.

Let alone his hatred agaisnt me.

Considerign the above I think its safe to say it was him.

No, it's defamation. Unless you have _proof_ it was Mark Lawrence, you
really should just shut up for once. As it stands, without an apology
(and even _with_ one), Mark has the legal right to sue you.


Wooow! Now i'am reaaaaly scared! Please don't put me behind bars....lol!


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