Στις 1/10/2013 5:52 μμ, ο/η Ned Batchelder έγραψε:
On 10/1/13 10:24 AM, Daniel Stojanov wrote:
2) I just signed up the this mailing list. To the regulars, is this
what normally happens on this list?
This is not what normally happens here. Usually we have concise and
helpful conversations.
Unfortunately, every online community has to struggle with the
occasional troublemaker. We are currently struggling with that. The
best approach is to simply ignore people that you either can't help or
don't care to help.
3) I'm a bit late to the party. Is Nikos a real sysadmin or is this
some horrible inside joke I don't get?
Please don't contribute to the problem by discussing Nikos.
Excuse me...but i;am no troublemaker, i ask question and read the
answers and comment on those.
And also i was the one being hacked here, not ther other way around, i
did not started this.