This is what I've got... the code should work on a typical Windows system, I think... ============================================ import os import random import time
# I'm not sure what to expect for Win98, WinME, etc. I've # only tried it with xp... if in ['nt', 'win98', 'me']: osWindows = True import ctypes import win32con import Image pth = 'c:/path/to/wallpapers' else: osWindows = False pth = '~/path/to/wallpapers' picfiles = os.listdir(pth) while True: jpg = random.choice(picfiles) if os_type = 'W': bmp = 'c:/wallpaper.bmp' cs = ctypes.c_buffer(bmp) ok = ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoA(win32con.SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER,0,cs,0) else: pass ' set kde wallpaper to jpg <------------- *** --- time.sleep(60) ================================================= I've done some searching, and can't seem to find a programatic way of getting *** that to happen. Thanks for any advice. Nick. --