On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 8:36 AM, Νίκος <nikos.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I learn during the process.
> That's how i deal with the situation.
> I challedge my self and then try to confront the given situation _live_.
> It's not wise to do so, but that how i operate.

Everyone's learning on the job. (I learned this week that it's
possible to play fast and loose with ARP and routing, to make one
computer look like two and two look like one. That was fun. When I
came up with the concept, I gave my boss a 95% confidence that it'd
work; and so far it's not caused any trouble.) But what you're doing
is charging your customers while you learn the very basics. You can't
sell "Hello, world". Most people expect to go to university to learn a
trade; some spend two decades playing with something before earning a
single dollar (or Euro, or yen).

Learn to code, THEN try to make money at it. Or even leave off the
'then' clause - plenty of people never earn anything from code, and
stay as happy amateurs. There's nothing wrong with that.


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