On 30/09/2013 22:34, Νίκος wrote:
Στις 30/9/2013 11:44 μμ, ο/η Mark Lawrence έγραψε:
On 30/09/2013 21:13, Νίκος wrote:
And you are a major asshole leading this list, who is doing nothing else
than critizizing others people's posts, spamming all he way along while
contributing negatively only.
Really? http://code.activestate.com/lists/python-list/651611/
One positive comment in the history opposes 10^2 negative ones.
Yet more sheer unadulterated rubbish from an imbecile who clearly hasn't
got the faintest idea what he's talking about. Would you please be kind
enough to stand up, your voice is rather muffled. That is after you've
done a proper statistical analysis of the number of positive posts I've
made over the years. You are actually one of the very few people who
has managed to get quite so far up my nose, that's quite an achievement
as by nature I'm actually extremely tolerant.
Mark Lawrence