Joel Goldstick <> writes:

> On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 11:28 AM, giacomo boffi <> wrote:
>     Νίκος <> writes:
>     > IF it can also be written in one-line
>     def f(x,n,w):return(lambda y=f(x[::2],n/2,w[::2]),z=f(x[1::2],n/2,w
>     [::2]):reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,zip(*[(y[k]+w[k]*z[k],y[k]-w[k]*z[k]) for k 
> in
>     range(n/2)])))()if n>1 else x
> I've been reading along and learning some really obscure coding
> patterns.

well, the obscure patterns aren't mine, they were contributed by some
it.comp.python regulars, to which credit is due if credit is due
(please ask google groups for the individual contributions)

> why?

to show a recreational one liner from which Νίκος could learn
something, one way or another
X  = f(x,n,[exp(-2*pi*1j*k/n) for k in range(n/2)])

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