> I've been reading the beloved Paul Graham's "Hackers and Painters".
> He claims he developed a web app at light speed using Lisp and lots
> of macros.
> It got me curious if Lisp
> is inherently faster to develop complex apps in.  It would seem if you
> could create your own language in Lisp using macros that that would be
> quite an advantage....
> I realize that Python has operator overloading and OOP so I'm not sure.
> Any ideas?  Any *evidence* one way or another?
If that means that I have to learn a new programming language for every
program I'd like to apply a minor fix/customization to: not a good idea.
Probably not just for the casual hacker like me, but also for the
maintainance phase of a project, when the former lead gurus lost interest
and/or employment.

Benjamin Niemann
Email: pink at odahoda dot de
WWW: http://www.odahoda.de/

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