Thomas Kandler wrote:
On 26.09.2013 17:13, Bill wrote:
I have been using the script youtube-dl

And I was wondering if there is a way to download all of a user's
favorites or uploads.

The script has a functionality to download all videos in a txt file. So
if there is a way using the youtube API or JSON (none of which I am
familiar with) to bring up a list of all these videos then it'd be a
simple case putting these urls into a file.

The problem is youtube displays favorites or user uploads in pages or
infinite scroll. So it is difficult to access them by the BeautifulSoup

What do you suggest?

Regarding the uploads: most profiles do have something called 'Popular
Uploads' or 'Recent Uploads'. Hover with the mouse over the link, a
'play'-Button appears, click it, copy the URL (should have a &list
parameter), paste the URL in youtube-dl (or a txt-file) and it will
fetch all videos.

I am not sure if this works for favorites, too, but that's the way I do it.


A screenshot would help me locate it.


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