On 2013-09-25 15:45, trip...@gmail.com wrote:
> Say, I have a namedtuple like this:
> {'a': brucelee(x=123, y=321), 'b': brucelee('x'=123, 'y'=321)
> I need to convert it to:
> {'a': {'x':123, 'y': 321},'b': {'x':123, 'y': 321}}

While it uses the "private" member-variable "_fields", you can do

>>> brucelee = namedtuple("brucelee", "x y")
>>> d = {'a': brucelee(x=123,y=321), 'b': brucelee(x=234,y=432)}
>>> dict((k, dict((s, getattr(v, s)) for s in v._fields)) for k,v in
>>> d.iteritems())
{'a': {'y': 321, 'x': 123}, 'b': {'y': 432, 'x': 234}}

which can be made a bit more readable with a helper function:

>>> def dictify(some_named_tuple):
...     return dict((s, getattr(some_named_tuple, s)) for s in 
>>> dict((k, dictify(v)) for k,v in d.iteritems())
{'a': {'y': 321, 'x': 123}, 'b': {'y': 432, 'x': 234}}

This would also make it easier to change/choose in the event
"_fields" ever changes.



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