2013/9/20 Shyam Parimal Katti <spk...@nyu.edu>:
> I have a list of tuples where the number of rows in the list and the number
> of columns in tuples of the list will not be constant. i.e.
>  ...> i.e.
> list_value = [(‘name1’, 1234, ‘address1’ ), (‘name2’, 5678, ‘address2’),
> (‘name3’, 1011, ‘addre”ss3’)]
> I need to access each value to check if the value contains a double quote
> and enclose the string containing double quote with double quotes. The
> transformation should return
> list_value = [(‘name1’, 1234, ‘address1’ ), (‘name2’, 5678, ‘address2’),
> (‘name3’, 1011, ‘”addre”ss3”’)]
>  ...>
> Is there a way to make the code concise using list comprehension?
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

would the following do, what you want?

>>> orig_list = [('name1', 1234, 'address1' ), ('name2', 5678, 'address2'), 
>>> ('name3', 1011, 'addre"ss3')]
>>> modif_list = [['"'+elem+'"' if isinstance(elem, basestring) and '"' in elem 
>>> else elem for elem in row] for row in orig_list]
>>> modif_list
[['name1', 1234, 'address1'], ['name2', 5678, 'address2'], ['name3',
1011, '"addre"ss3"']]

I guess, you don't mind changing the inner tuples to lists, but the
original structure could be retained as well:
>>> [tuple(['"'+elem+'"' if isinstance(elem, basestring) and '"' in elem else 
>>> elem for elem in row]) for row in orig_list]
[('name1', 1234, 'address1'), ('name2', 5678, 'address2'), ('name3',
1011, '"addre"ss3"')]

Of course, you have to decide, whether the readability/conciseness
suits your needs ...


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