On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Jugurtha Hadjar <jugurtha.had...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Chris, Vlastimil, great insights gentlemen! Thanks
> Chris Angelico wrote:
> >Instead of matching the ones that are the same as their uppercase
> >version, why not instead keep the ones that are the same as their
> >lowercase?
> That's why I started off doing, and then lost track a bit. It didn't cross
> my mind that '.' and '@' are uncased characters and I'm a bit ashamed of
> not thinking about that before running the code
> (i.e:
> '.'.lower() gives False
> '.'.upper() gives False
> And the same for '@'. So unless you specifically "spare" them, they'll be
> whacked if you exclude upper case characters, or only include lower case
> characters).
> >Ah, now you're getting into the realm of CAPTCHAs. I'll be quite frank
> >with you: Don't bother. Many MANY experts are already looking into it
> Yeah.. I thought of writing "My e-mail is my first name, dot, my last name
> at gmail dot com".
> Some "riddling" can be viable to a certain extent. Or if your e-mail is
> ba86rocks...@gm.bu
> ba, then 86, then rock, then star, at gm dot bu.
> Or the e-mail can be generated dynamically calling a script that assembles
> pieces and displays it. This way, it can escape scrapers and all and will
> make it hard to manually harvest e-mails.. Which brings us to your next
> point about e-mail harvesters and that kind of labor (which is astounding
> !).
> > email = 'REMOVEMEjohn.doSPAMeSPAM@**REMOVEMEhotmail.com'
> > ''.join(filter(lambda x: x==x.lower(),email))
> >'john....@hotmail.com'
> Nice ! As well as Vlastimil's suggestions. The things I found on the net
> weren't that well written. There were *way* too many lines that made me
> think "No way. There's gotta be a better way".
> --
> ~Jugurtha Hadjar,
> --
> https://mail.python.org/**mailman/listinfo/python-list<https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list>

Last year I was playing around with django forms and wrote some code that
required the user to add some numbers before the form was submitted. Here
is the article: http://www.joelgoldstick.com/blog/2012/sep/30/django-forms/

This isn't exactly what you are asking, but it does give you a change to
let someone send you mail without giving out your email address.

With the onslaught of social media stuff, it feels like sites like linked
in and anything that uses gmail want to get you to give away your email
address, and perhaps give access to everyone in your lists. So, I'm
suggesting its really a loosing battle.

Joel Goldstick

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