Hello everyone, For those of you who didn't know, if you are interested in a Redis-backed time and/or fifo-queue with priorities, retries, etc., to be used with Python, one exists and is mature: it's called RPQueue, and it seeks to simplify your life of task execution. The recent changelog entries are below my signature.
The package has been around for two years next month, and does exactly what you expect it to do - no more, no less. You can find the package at: https://github.com/josiahcarlson/rpqueue/ https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rpqueue Please CC me on any replies if you have any questions or comments. Thank you, - Josiah #----------------------------------- 0.21 ------------------------------------ [changed] where available, rpqueue will now use Lua to move delayed tasks from the time-based priority queue to fifo queues. This should reduce overhead in all cases, and should drastically improve performance for those that use large numbers of delayed tasks. [changed] the version number is now PEP 386/440 compliant. [added] this changelog that will document updates/changes/improvements in an easily referenced location. [fixed] thanks to https://github.com/dmaust , rpqueue added a missing 'redis' requirement.
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