On Wednesday, September 18, 2013 4:51:51 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 9:12 PM, nikhil Pandey <nikhilpande...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > hi,
> > I want to iterate over the lines of a file and when i find certain lines, i 
> > need another loop starting from the next of that "CERTAIN" line till a few 
> > (say 20) lines later.
> > so, basically i need two pointers to lines (one for outer loop(for each 
> > line in file)) and one for inner loop. How can i do that in python?
> > please help. I am stuck up on this.
> After the inner loop finishes, do you want to go back to where the
> outer loop left off, or should the outer loop continue from the point
> where the inner loop stopped? In other words, do you want to locate
> overlapping sections, or not? Both are possible, but the solutions
> will look somewhat different.
> ChrisA

Hi Chris,
After the inner loop finishes, I want to go back to the next line from where 
the outer loop was left i.e the lines of the inner loop will be traversed again 
in the outer loop.
1>>I iterate over lines of the file
2>> when i find a match in a certain line, i start another loop till some 
condition is met in the subsequent lines
3>> then i come back to where i left and repeat 1(ideally i want to delete that 
line in inner loop where that condition is met, but even if it is not deleted, 
its OK)


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