Hey, gang, I've got a problem here that I'm sure a handful of you will know how 
to solve. I've got about 6 *.csv files that I am trying to open; change the 
header names (to get rid of spaces); add two new columns, which are just the 
results of a string.split() command; drop the column I just split; and then 
finally export to *.txt files. Here's the code I'm using:

import os
import csv

fileHandle = 'Path/To/Data'
varNames = 

for csvFile in os.listdir(fileHandle):
    outFile = open(fileHandle + os.path.splitext(csvFile)[0] + '.txt', 'w')
    inFile = open(fileHandle + csvFile, 'rb')
    reader = csv.reader(inFile, delimiter=',')
    rowNum = 0
    for row in reader:
        if rowNum == 0:
            rowNum += 1
            date, time = row[2].split()
            row.insert(3, date)
            row.insert(4, time)
            outFile.write('\t'.join(row) + '\n')

The issue I'm having is that the *.txt files I'm generating are empty. I assume 
some unraised error is being thrown, but I'm new to Python and am self taught, 
so I don't know where to look or how to troubleshoot.

When I run the code on just one file and print the output instead of writing 
it, it looks exactly like what I'd want. So I'm at a loss for where the problem 

Any help is appreciated!

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