On 2005-07-05, Grant Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Don't think you can do that with Python... The Python runtime
>> interpreter itself is running on a single processor.
> I don't see how that can be.  Under Linux at least, the Python
> threading module uses "real" OS threads, so there are multiple
> instances of the interpreter, right?  Generally all but one of
> them will be blocked on the GIL, but there are still multiple
> interpreter threads (which can be on multiple different CPUs).
> Or is the Python interpreter actually doing the context
> switches itself?

Upon further thought, that just can't be the case.  There has
to be multiple instances of the intepreter because the
interpreter can make C system calls that block (thus blocking
that instance of the interpreter). Other Python threads within
the program continue to run, so there must be multiple Python

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I'm wearing PAMPERS!!

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