'''#*************************************************************************''' #* Name: Mode-Median-Mean Calculator *# #* *# #* Purpose: To calculate the mode, median and mean of a list of numbers *# #* and the mode of a list of strings because that is what we are *# #* learning in math atm in school :P *# #* *# #* Author: William Bryant *# #* *# #* Created: 11/09/2013 *# #* *# #* Copyright: (c) William 2013 *# #* *# #* Licence: IDK :3 *# '''**************************************************************************'''
#-----# ~~Import things I am using~~ #-----# # | # | # \/ import time import itertools #-----# ~~Variables that I am using, including the list.~~ #-----# # | # | # \/ List = [] NumberOfXItems = [] themode = None themean = None count = None #-----# ~~Functions that I am using.~~ #-----# # | # | # \/ def HMNs(): global TheStr, user_inputHMNs, List_input, List user_inputHMNs = input("You picked string. This program cannot calculate the mean or median, but it can calculate the mode. :D How many strings are you using in your list? (Can not be a decimal number) \nEnter: ") user_inputHMNs time.sleep(1.5) TheStr = int(user_inputHMNs) for i in range(TheStr): List_input = input("Enter your strings. (One in each input field): ") List.append(List_input) print("Your list -> ", List) if List.count == int(user_inputHMNs): break mode() mean() print("\n*Mode*:", themode) print("*Median*:", "<Coming soon!>\n") print("*Mean*:", themean) def HMNn(): global TheNum, user_inputHMNn, List_input, List user_inputHMNn = input("You picked number. :D How many numbers are you using in your list? (Can not be a decimal number) \nEnter: ") user_inputHMNn time.sleep(1.5) TheNum = int(user_inputHMNn) for i in range(TheNum): List_input = input("Enter your numbers. (One in each input field): ") List_input = int(List_input) List.append(List_input) print("\nYour list -> ", List) if List.count == int(user_inputHMNn): break mode() mean() print("\n*Mode*:", themode) print("*Median*:", "<Coming soon!>") print("*Mean*:", themean) def NOS(): while True: # Loops forever (until the break) answer = input("Does your list contain a number or a string? \nEnter: ") answer = answer.lower() if answer in ("string", "str", "s"): HMNs() break elif answer in ("number", "num", "n", "int"): HMNn() break elif answer in ("quit", "q"): break # Exits the while loop else: print("You did not enter a valid field, :P Sorry. \nEnter: ") time.sleep(1.5) def mean(): global themean thecount = [] for i in List: thecount.append(List.count(i)) thesum = sum(List) thecount = sum(thecount) themean = thesum / thecount def mode(): global themode max_occurrences = 0 themode = None for i in List: thecount = List.count(i) if thecount > max_occurrences: max_occurrences = thecount themode = i #-----# ~~The functions which need calling~~ #-----# # | # | # \/ NOS() -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list