Στις 16/9/2013 2:21 μμ, ο/η Denis McMahon έγραψε:
On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 12:06:06 +0200, Joost Molenaar wrote:
It's most likely an issue in your local SMTP server's configuration.
I'm not convinced about that. All the evidence is that OPs local mta
delivers the message to google. I think the issue is that google are
deciding the message is junk and dropping it in the bit recycling bin.
This is just as likely to be a feature of the random_char(50) subject and
random_char(500) message text as it is any local mta settings. I have no
idea what OPs random_char(x) does, but I also see no proof it doesn't
insert data that's illegal in subject or body. Even if it creates a
wholly valid message subject and body, it might look like something spammy
to google.
starttls suggests that whatever his mta is, it's using some form of auth
to communicate with gmail. It looks like his mail is delivered to the
google servers.
If he's trying to prove communication works, he might be better off using
a message subject of "test" and a message body of "this is a test
Hello Denis and thanks for dropping into the conversation.
here is the code again with the random function definition:
# if html form is submitted then send user mail
def random_char( y, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits ):
return ''.join( random.choice(chars) for x in range(y) )
for times in range(0, 10):
# prepare mail data
FROM = random_char(8) + '@' + random_char(5) + '.com'
TO = "nkou...@ath.forthnet.gr"
SUBJECT = random_char( 50 )
MESSAGE = random_char( 500 )
os.system( "echo %s | mailx -v -r %s -s %s %s" % (MESSAGE, FROM,
print( "<h2><font color=blue>%sη αποστολή προς %s
επετεύχθη!</font></h2>" % (times, TO) )
except Exception as e:
print( "sendmail => ", date, repr( sys.exc_info() ) )
i have sent 10 mails to my personal Google account and i though they
were never get delivered but it seems that every half an hour or so,
one-by-one come into appearance into my GMail account which i access via
I don't know whats delaying them so long but they do come.
What i want now is to be able to alter the hostname of my server so the
mails wont indicate that they derive from superhost.gr as they aare now
sen in the mail headers.
I will show you an example when one more mail arrive into my gmail account.