Hi Nikos, I'm now going to put as much care and attention into my answer as you put into your question.
Have uy tryed imprting os first? u nmeed to do improt os first or it wont work., When you give evidence of caring about the questions you ask, I'll start caring about the answers I give you. On Sun, 15 Sep 2013 08:54:48 -0700, Ferrous Cranus wrote: > try: > # prepare mail data > FROM = random_char(10) + '@' + random_char(10) + '.com' TO = > "nikos.gr...@gmail.com" > > SUBJECT = random_char( 50 ) > MESSAGE = random_char( 500 ) > > os.system( "echo %s | mailx -v -r %s -s %s %s" % (MESSAGE, FROM, > SUBJECT, TO) ) > > print( "<h2><font color=blue>%sη αποστολή προς %s > επετεύχθη!</font></h2>" % (times, TO) ) > except Exception as e: > print( "sendmail => ", date, repr( sys.exc_info() ) ) > > sys.exit(0) -- Steven -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list