Op 15-09-13 04:37, Mark Janssen schreef:
Ha, "only the direction reversed". That little directionality that
you're passing by so blithely is the difference between whether you're
talking about galaxies or atoms.
It makes no difference whether I write:
atoms -> stars -> galaxies
galaxies <- stars <- atoms
nor does it make any difference if I write the chain starting at the top
and pointing down, or at the bottom and pointing up.
Here again, your sanity is questioned. You are simply wrong. Atoms
lie within galaxies, but galaxies do not lie within atoms (poetic
license excluded);
No body is questioning that. What is being pointed out is, that it
doesn't make a difference whether you say that atoms lie within galaxies
or you say galaxies have atoms in them. It doesn't matter which of the
items you mention first in defining the relation between the two.
i.e. there is a difference, whether your talking
about syntactically by the parser or conceptually by a human being.
Somewhere you have to put yourself in the middle. And that point
defines how you relate to the machine -- towards abstraction (upwards)
or towards the concrete (to the machine itself).
Maybe, but where you put yourself is not determined by such unimportant
details as to which of the components in a relation you mention first. a
< b or b > a, are two ways to write the exact same relation and someone
arguing that there is an important difference because in the first case
we mention a first while in the second case we mention b first is only
illustrating his own confusion. And that is essentially
what you are doing.
Antoon Pardon