On Wednesday, September 11, 2013 5:11:23 PM UTC+12, John Gordon wrote:
> In <ef8de6db-5f35-4d07-8306-bcec47b1e...@googlegroups.com> William Bryant 
> <gogobe...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Hey, I am very new to python, I am 13 years old. I want to be able to make =
> > a program the caculates the mean, meadian and mode. When i run the program,=
> >  an input field pops up and says 'Does your list contain, a number or a str=
> > ing?' like I want it to, but when I type in something that is not one of va=
> > lid field options: "String" or "string" or "STRING" or "s" or "S" or "str" =
> > or "Number" or "number" or "NUMBER" or "N" or "N" or "int" or "num", nothin=
> > g happens, please tell me what I did wrong. Thanks :D Here is my code:
> > #-----           Variables that I am using, including the list.          --=
> > ---#
> > #False means num
> > #True means string
> > num_or_string =3D ""
> > amount_numbers =3D []
> > List =3D []
> > I =3D "Does your list contain, a number or a string?"
> > #-----                      Functions that I am using.                    -=
> > ----#
> > input(I)
> > def NOS():
> >     if I =3D=3D "String" or "string" or "STRING" or "s" or "S" or "str":
> >         pass
> >     elif I =3D=3D "Number" or "number" or "NUMBER" or "N" or "N" or "int" o=
> > r "num":
> >         pass
> >     else:
> >         global I
> >         I =3D "You did not enter a valid field, :P Sorry."
> >         input(I)
> First of all, you haven't given us your whole program.  I know this because
> while you've defined the NOS function, it isn't actually called anywhere.
> You must have left that part out.
> Anyway, I think you're doing two things wrong:
> 1. You aren't capturing the user's input.  The input() function returns
> the user's input, but you aren't assigning this to a variable; it's just
> being thrown away.  You should call input() like this:
>   user_input = input(I)
> (Also, it would probably be clearer to use a name like "prompt" instead
> of "I".)
> 2. You aren't using the compound "if" statement correctly.  You can't
>    do this (well, you CAN, but it won't do what you want):
>        if a == 1 or 2 or 3:
>    You should fully spell out each condition, like this:
>        if a == 1 or a == 2 or a == 3:
> -- 
> John Gordon                   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
> gor...@panix.com              B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
>                                 -- Edward Gorey, "The Gashlycrumb Tinies"

Thanks so much for putting your time into helping me!! It worked! Could you 
tell me if I did anything wrong this time? :)

#-----           Variables that I am using, including the list.          -----#

num_or_string = ""
amount_numbers = []
List = []
prompt = "Does your list contain, a number or a string?"

#-----                      Functions that I am using.                    -----#
user_input1 = input(prompt)

def NOS():
    if user_input1 == "String" or user_input1 == "string" or user_input1 == 
"STRING" or user_input1 == "s" or user_input1 == "S" or user_input1 == "str":
    elif user_input1 == "Number" or user_input1 == "number" or user_input1 == 
"NUMBER" or user_input1 == "N" or user_input1 == "N" or user_input1 == "int" or 
user_input1 == "num":
        global user_input2
        global prompt
        prompt = "You did not enter a valid field, :P Sorry."
        user_input2 = input(prompt)

def NOS2():
    if user_input2 == "String" or user_input2 == "string" or user_input2 == 
"STRING" or user_input2 == "s" or user_input2 == "S" or user_input2 == "str":
    elif user_input2 == "Number" or user_input2 == "number" or user_input2 == 
"NUMBER" or user_input2 == "N" or user_input2 == "N" or user_input2 == "int" or 
user_input2 == "num":
        global user_input2
        global prompt
        prompt = "You did not enter a valid field, :P Sorry."
        user_input2 = input(prompt)


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