On Monday, September 9, 2013 12:43:16 AM UTC-7, Terry Reedy wrote:
> Some combination of the README instructions, external.bat, and the 
> project files are not correct. There may be an issue on the tracker. I 
> believe I copied tcl85g.dll and tk85g.dll into .../py3x/pcbuild from 
> .../tcltk/bin and that resolved the problem for me. But you say you did 
> that. Did _tkinter_d.pyd get built (in pcbuild)?
Well, after doing a clean clone and rebuilding everything it worked.  I'm not 
sure what the issue was, but something must've went wrong the first time.

I see you've opened an issue about this.  I think the README definitely needs 
to be updated.  It's not very user friendly and is somewhat ambiguous.  Also, I 
think the dev guide could be improved as well.  I think Windows users 
(actually, I'm more of Linux user, but whatever) tend to get the short end of 
the stick in a lot of open-source projects.  I think that's a trend that needs 
to change.

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