On 03/09/2013 21:50, David M. Cotter wrote:
> I find i'm having this problem, but the solution you found isn't
> quite specific enough for me to be able to follow it.
> I'm embedding Python27 in my app.  I have users install
> ActivePython27 in order to take advantage of python in my app, so the
> python installation can't be touched as it's on a user's machine.
> When I attempt to do:
>> import win32api
> i get this:
>> Traceback (most recent call last): File "startup.py", line 5, in
>> <module> ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could
>> not be found.

You'll likely get more input from the guys on the python-win32 list.

Most times I've come across this issue it's been because the pywin32
package (or the whole Python distribution if you're using ActiveState)
was not installed as an administrator / elevated. I'm not sure I've ever
fathomed why, and the investigation isn't helped by the import dance
which the pywin32 code does. I don't remember solving it without a
reinstall on the user's machine.


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