On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 1:16 PM, Joe Junior <joe.fbs.jun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2 September 2013 14:00, Paul Rice <lfcpaulr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I know that most of my time will be writing . I dont think i specified very 
>> well what im asking.
>> What i mean by proper interface is a interface like for an app or something, 
>> let me give u an example;
>> Say i have made a phonebook just for this example and i want to use it like 
>> a normal phonebook in your phone instead of in writing. So basically making 
>> it like an app or something ?
>> Does that make sense ? Lol
> He's just messing with you. What you want is to write GUI (Graphical
> User Interface) Application. The examples Steven cited like GTK and Qt
> are libraries that provides it. The word "Interface" means a lot of
> things in programming.

Except that those libraries don't work in Android phone environments.
I've never looked into writing code for a phone, but I would suppose
that a prerequisite for writing smart phone apps is to understand more
in general how to write a software application.  Guessing from the way
the OP poses his question, he has a lot more to learn than a specific
GUI library.

So, maybe the answers were a little facetious, but the question could
be taken as either completely naive, or as completely pompous.  To
answer the second interpretation is maybe more fun!
> --
> Joe
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Joel Goldstick

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