On Mon, 02 Sep 2013 10:29:05 +0200, Antoon Pardon wrote:

> Why should we be more
> concerned with cascading ifs than with cascading controls in general?

What cascading controls?

for element in seq:
    if filter:

is not a cascading control.

> All these discussions
> about combining controls would have been unnecessary without the
> enforced strict indentation. 

Instead, we would have spent 100 times as much time and energy debating 
the One True Indentation Scheme, akin to the brace wars that went on for 
*years* in the C community. And still haven't completely gone.

> we wouldn't now be
> discussing the pro and cons of loop comprehension because we could have
> just layed out the code so that it illustrated our intention of a loop
> comprehension.

Which the current syntax is perfectly fine at doing.


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