On Sep 2, 2013 2:31 AM, "Tommy Vee" <xx...@xxxxxx.xxx> wrote:
> Anyone know where I can get an easy to use Python class or algorithm for
the Simplex optimization algorithm?  I've tried the one in the link below,
but I can't figure out if a) I'm using it properly, or b) where to get the
solution.  BTW, I tried some test scenarios using MS Excel's "Solver" and
just can't get this algorithm to match Excel's results (which is spot on).
> http://taw9.hubpages.com/hub/Simplex-Algorithm-in-Python
> BTW, if I can't something to work, I'm going to be forced to use the VBA
programmatic Excel interface. That wouldn't be too bad, but the data comes
from a DB and getting it properly positioned to use Excel's "Solver" is
very painful.  A Python approach would be much cleaner.

Are you able to use scipy? It has the simplex algorithm (among many others)
in its optimize module:


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