I've released Peasy, which is an easy but powerful parser. 
  Peasy brings a new method to write the parser. with Peasy, you write the 
parser by hand, just like to write any other kind of program. Do not be 
confused by "by hand", with the method brought by Peasy, it's easier and more 
powerful than using other tools or libraries. 
  Peasy presents itself as a module of single file. To use Peasy, copy peasy.py 
to your project, read it, modify it, write the grammar rules, and remove any 
unnecessary stuffs in Peasy, and parse with the grammar. 
  Peasy has an simple, elegant and fast support for direct/indirect left 
recursive grammar, See [here]( 
http://chaosim.github.io/peasy/doc/peasy.html#peasysample ) for a concrete 
  The [annotated code]( http://chaosim.github.io/peasy/doc/pypeasy.html ) is 
best document for Peasy at the moment.

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