2013/8/25 David M. Cotter <m...@davecotter.com>:
> i'm sorry this is so confusing, let me try to re-state the problem in as 
> clear a way as i can.
> I have a C++ program, with very well tested unicode support.  All logging is 
> done in utf8.  I have conversion routines that work flawlessly, so i can 
> assure you there is nothing wrong with logging and unicode support in the 
> underlying program.
> I am embedding python 2.7 into the program, and extending python with 
> routines in my C++ program.
> I have a script, encoded in utf8, and *marked* as utf8 with this line:
>     # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> In that script, i have inline unicode text.  When I pass that text to my C++ 
> program, the Python interpreter decides that these bytes are macRoman, and 
> handily "converts" them to unicode.  To compensate, i must "convert" these 
> "macRoman" characters encoded as utf8, back to macRoman, then "interpret" 
> them as utf8.  In this way i can recover the original unicode.
> When i return a unicode string back to python, i must do the reverse so that 
> Python gets back what it expects.
> This is not related to printing, or sys.stdout, it does happen with that too 
> but focusing on that is a red-herring.  Let's focus on just passing a string 
> into C++ then back out.
> This would all actually make sense IF my script was marked as being 
> "macRoman" even tho i entered UTF8 Characters, but that is not the case.
> Let's prove my statements.  Here is the script, *interpreted* as MacRoman:
> http://karaoke.kjams.com/screenshots/bugs/python_unicode/script_as_macroman.png
> and here it is again *interpreted* as utf8:
> http://karaoke.kjams.com/screenshots/bugs/python_unicode/script_as_utf8.png
> here is the string conversion code:
> SuperString             ScPyObject::GetAs_String()
> {
>         SuperString             str;    //      underlying format of 
> SuperString is unicode
>         if (PyUnicode_Check(i_objP)) {
>                 ScPyObject              
> utf8Str(PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(i_objP));
>                 str = utf8Str.GetAs_String();
>         } else {
>                 const UTF8Char          *bytes_to_interpetZ = 
> uc(PyString_AsString(i_objP));
>                 //      the "Set" call *interprets*, does not *convert*
>                 str.Set(bytes_to_interpetZ, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
>                 //      str is now unicode characters which *represent* 
> macRoman characters
>                 //      so *convert* these to actual macRoman
>                 //      fyi: Update_utf8 means "convert to this encoding and
>                 //      store the resulting bytes in the variable named "utf8"
>                 str.Update_utf8(kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
>                 //      str is now unicode characters converted from macRoman
>                 //      so *reinterpret* them as UTF8
>                 //      FYI, we're just taking the pure bytes that are stored 
> in the utf8 variable
>                 //      and *interpreting* them to this encoding
>                 bytes_to_interpetZ = str.utf8().c_str();
>                 str.Set(bytes_to_interpetZ, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
>         }
>         return str;
> }
> PyObject*       PyString_FromString(const SuperString& str)
> {
>         SuperString                     localStr(str);
>         //      localStr is the real, actual unicode string
>         //      but we must *interpret* it as macRoman, then take these 
> "macRoman" characters
>         //      and "convert" them to unicode for Python to "get it"
>         const UTF8Char          *bytes_to_interpetZ = localStr.utf8().c_str();
>         //      take the utf8 bytes (actual utf8 prepresentation of string)
>         //      and say "no, these bytes are macRoman"
>         localStr.Set(bytes_to_interpetZ, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
>         //      okay so now we have unicode of MacRoman characters (!?)
>         //      return the underlying utf8 bytes of THAT as our string
>         return PyString_FromString(localStr.utf8Z());
> }
> And here is the results from running the script:
>    18: ---------------
>    18: Original string: frøânçïé
>    18: converting...
>    18: it worked: frøânçïé
>    18: ---------------
>    18: ---------------
>    18: Original string: 控件
>    18: converting...
>    18: it worked: 控件
>    18: ---------------
> Now the thing that absolutely utterly baffles me (if i'm not baffled enough) 
> is that i get the EXACT same results on both Mac and Windows.  Why do they 
> both insist on interpreting my script's bytes as MacRoman?
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

unfortunately, I don't have experience with embedding python and C++,
but he python (for python 2) part seems to be missing the u prefix in
the unicode literals.
Is the c++ part prepared for python unicode object, or does it require
utf-8 encoded string (or the respective bytes)?
in the call make a difference?


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