Hi, My 20 csv files has string header, and first two columns are string (e.g., 1999-01-02, 01:00:00) among the 50 columns. Other columns store numerical values (int, or float)
I need to do data analysis for these data. For example, extract the each month data from each of the cvs files (each csv file stores 1 year data) and there are 20 year data. in addition, I want to store the data in disk so that I can retrieve data quickly, just like save and load in Matlab. Currently, I use structured array data = [] i = 0 for s in range(1991, 2011): fileName = folder +_{_sY}0101_{_sY}1231_725300.csv".format(_sY=s) data.append(np.genfromtxt(fileName, delimiter=",", dtype=None, names=True)) i += 1 np.save("alldata", data) ==== However, when I load data "np.load("alldata.npy")", it is becomes 0-d array which is different from original one. My question is that (1) How to store or save the data? (2) as you can see, I use list to store all the 20 ndarrays, I do not feel it is a good way. Is there any suggestion for the data structure I should use? Thanks in advance.
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