On Sun, 18 Aug 2013 22:36:01 +0530, Ganesh Pal wrote: > Please find the comments >>> inline
Please don't do that! "Arrows" > are used for quoting in emails. If you prefix your *new* comments using >>> it looks like they were quoted *three messages back*. You should be able to configure your email or news client to prefix quoted text with a >, and then you just type your own comments with no prefix, like I'm doing here. Even Gmail can do that. You seem to have copied-and-pasted my response into a new email, and then added your comments. Am I right? The normal way to reply to an email is to use Reply or Reply All. [...] >>>> Thanks for the suggestion on creating empty files and they worked > fine . I was today playing with the temp-file module to create > temporary files and directories , > Iam yet to explore it completely, but in current context , I > had a > quick question using temp-file module is its possible to create empty > temporary files and save them on disk in the user-defined path ? You shouldn't normally care about where temporary files are stored, since they're temporary and will disappear as soon as you are done with them. But yes, tempfile has the ability to control where the files are stored. Both tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile and tempfile.TemporaryFile take an optional directory argument. To read the documentation, run these two commands at the interactive prompt: import tempfile help(tempfile) or read it on the web: http://docs.python.org/2/library/tempfile.html http://docs.python.org/3/library/tempfile.html > If " yes " then can this also be an alternative and does this > have any drawback ? Alternative to what? If you mean, alternative to *not* storing it in the user's directory, then yes, it is :-) Drawbacks -- yes. I hate it when applications dump temporary files in my home directory. -- Steven -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list