Is this social network  app based, or browser based. Either will need an
updated server file, or a db field.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Ben Finney <>wrote:

> Alec Taylor <> writes:
> > Fear open-sourcing fledgling social-networks; as centralisation is
> > easily losable.
> Welcome! This forum is for discussing the practice of programming with
> Python.
> Your topic doesn't seem much to do with Python (and no, “I'm writing it
> in Python” isn't much to do with Python unless your *question* is
> specific to Python).
> > Personally, I am using Python to build a niche social-network.
> Great! What Python-related question did you want to ask?
> --
>  \           “Oh, I love your magazine. My favorite section is ‘How To |
>   `\          Increase Your Word Power’. That thing is really, really, |
> _o__)                          really... good.” —Homer, _The Simpsons_ |
> Ben Finney
> --

Best Regards,
David Hutto
*CEO:* **

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