On 16 August 2013 20:00,  <chris.bar...@noaa.gov> wrote:
>  > > One other point -- for performance reason, is would be nice to have some 
> compiled code in there -- this adds incentive to put it in the stdlib -- 
> external packages that need compiling is what makes numpy unacceptable to 
> some folks.
>> It might be good to have a C accelerator one day but actually I think
>> the pure-Python-ness of it is a strong reason to have it since it
>> provides accurate statistics functions to all Python implementations
>> (unlike numpy) at no additional cost.
> Well, I'd rather not have a package that is great for education and  toy 
> problems, but not-so-good for the real ones...

Again it depends what you mean by "real". From the other lists where
we meet I'd guess that your problems are in the "needs a nuclear
reactor" camp. I doubt that the stdlib will ever be sufficiently
mathematically/computationally oriented to fully service either of our
needs (and I don't mean that as a criticism). I persuaded the IT guys
at my work that we needed the whole Enthought Python Distribution on
all machines just because I didn't want to have to argue about
individual packages.

However in my real work, where I compute means and variances etc. I
very often do work with very small datasets and I know a lot of others
who work almost exclusively with them (think e.g. clinical data where
N is often less than 100).

> I guess my point is this:
> This is a way to make the standard python distribution better for some common 
> computational tasks. But rather than think of it as "we need some stats 
> functions in the python stdlib", perhaps we should be thinking: "out of the 
> box python should be better for computation" -- in which case, I'd start with 
> a decent array object.

I think that, whether or not the statistics module gains a C
accelerator, if a fast numerical array type comes along then I'd
expect that the statistics module would use its methods as a fast
path. And if it provides a speed boost without compromising
boundedness or accuracy I'm sure that the array type would be used
internally where appropriate (just as numpy converts collections to
arrays before computation).


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