you could check the codes of flask ,bottle , to read codes ,the learn 
what you want to know .

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Alok Singh Mahor"<>;
Date:  Sat, Aug 3, 2013 12:52 PM
To:  "python-list"<>; 

Subject:  web development in python without using any webframework

Hello everyone,

few months back I started learning python and now I got nice familiarity. now i 
want to use python for creating dynamic database driven websites. and I dont 
want to use existing web frameworks for my work. I am learning things so I wont 
feel lazy to  write all the code myself because I want to learn. 

could anyone suggest me any books/site from where I can start. I want to follow 
MVC architecture. so please suggest me some links/book or anything 

thank you in advance

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